On November 4, the 32nd IAEA monitoring mission started its work at South Ukraine nuclear power plant. The main task of the International Atomic Energy Agency experts at SUNPP is to monitor the safety and security of the nuclear facility, which has been under threat since the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine.
The regular rotation of international experts took place with the participation of the South Ukraine NPP management. Representatives of the previous team thanked the nuclear professionals for fruitful and active cooperation, while members of the new group – for their hearty welcome. The newly arrived foreign specialists are experts in nuclear safety and physical protection. They will be working at SUNPP for the next three weeks. The program of their stay includes observations, walkdowns, inspections, meetings, and interviews with the company's personnel.
“The presence of international experts at our site and other nuclear power plants in Ukraine is crucial. The work of the IAEA permanent mission is an effective step to demonstrate to the entire world what is happening in Ukraine,” said Borys Mikitkov, Deputy Chief Engineer for Life Extension of the affiliate “SS SUNPP”.
As a reminder, the IAEA permanent missions at Ukrainian nuclear power plants were introduced to monitor the safety of nuclear power plants in the context of russia's military aggression in Ukraine.