Energoatom-Trading JV has been selling the Company's electric energy since July 1, 2019 - the start of the electric energy market.
According to contracts
On the day-ahead market
Intraday market
Balancing market
Electric energy is sold on the market of bilateral contracts in accordance with the "Procedure for conducting electronic auctions for the sale of electric energy under bilateral contracts", approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 06/05/2019 No. 499. The Order was supplemented by the Resolution of the CMU dated 07/28/2021 No. 791 "Procedure for conducting a special session on the sale of lot packages under bilateral agreements". Trade on day-ahead market and intraday market is carried out in accordance with the Rules of the day-ahead market and the intraday market, approved by the resolution of the NCRECP dated March 14, 2018 No. 308.
Work on the balancing market is regulated by the Market Rules, approved by the resolution of the National Economic and Social Committee of the Russian Federation No. 307 of March 14, 2018.
The integration of the UES of Ukraine into the pan-European energy system ENTSO-E has created wide opportunities for the export of Ukrainian electric energy. In June 2022, the society started supplying electricity to Moldova, and in July 2022 – to Romania and Slovakia.
The export of electricity from Ukraine was suspended in October 2022 to stabilize the energy system after a massive Russian missile attack on energy infrastructure facilities.
The company plans to resume the export of electric energy after the adoption of the relevant government decision.
Information on the cost and payment of the service of the guaranteed buyer to ensure the availability of electricity for household consumers