At the end of 2024, the International Atomic Energy Agency issued the three volume publication entitled “Prospects and Achievements of the IAEA Technical Cooperation Program in the 21st Century.” The publication is devoted to a review of the work under the specified program in different countries of the world from 2000 to almost today; its pages widely present facts and figures, outstanding achievements and successful projects.
Technical Cooperation (TC) Programs are a tool for IAEA cooperation with countries or regions, when the agency provides expert assistance in a number of areas, in particular: nuclear power reactors and fuel cycle; radiation safety and protection; radioactive waste management and decommissioning; nuclear knowledge management; regulatory framework; medical programs and others.
In the three volume publication dedicated to the achievements of IAEA cooperation in the world, each country, where the Agency’s initiatives were implemented, has a separate section with a brief description of national priorities in the nuclear industry, areas of support and the most successful joint projects. First, the achievements that have become the most important, according to the IAEA, are indicated. Among the achievements of the Ukrainian nuclear industry during this period, the following are distinguished:
- extension of the operating life of 12 nuclear power units (2009-2024);
- launch of a new confinement at the Chernobyl NPP (2019);
- commissioning of the The Interim Spent Nuclear Fuel Dry Storage Facility (ISF-2) at the Chernobyl NPP (2021).
The IAEA informs that over almost a quarter of a century, 52 national technical cooperation projects have been implemented within the framework of cooperation with Ukraine. The three most successful of those are highlighted by the Agency:
- Improving Knowledge Management System (implemented by Energoatom);
- technical support for the Chernobyl NPP decommissioning and radioactive waste management;
- improvement of safety and quality of radiotherapy in medicine.
The project “Improving Knowledge Management System” implemented by Energoatom, and which is among the top three, started in September 2009. IAEA technical support lasted 4 years in two cycles; during that period, methodological documents on nuclear knowledge management were developed by the joint efforts of specialists from various subdivisions of the Company and NPP branches, the Corporate Knowledge Web Portal was established and put into operation, and a training cyber platform for nuclear education was implemented.
From the very beginning, the following persons worked on the implementation of specific project tasks: a team of national experts led by Petro Kotin, representatives of Quality and Management Directorate, Personnel Qualification Management Department, Information Technology Directorate, with the participation of management and instructor staff of NPP Training Centers, representatives of the relevant department of the Ministry of Energy. During the first two years (2009-2011), the following activities were carried out:
- IAEA expert missions on knowledge management were conducted at all Ukrainian NPPs;
- technical specifications for the Corporate Knowledge Portal were developed;
- the first Energoatom standard on nuclear knowledge management was established.
Having positively assessed the implementation of the project, the IAEA continued to provide Ukraine with support in knowledge management. During subsequent two years of expert support (2012-2013), the focus was on the development of the Energoatom Knowledge Web Portal and the implementation of the IAEA training cyber platform for nuclear education.
It was at that time when the content of the Corporate Knowledge Portal was determined, the structure of libraries and lists of mentioned resource was developed, databases were filled with relevant information and documents, and the first users were connected. In parallel, the IAEA training cyber platform – CLP4NET – was put into pilot operation within the Company.
After that, Energoatom specialists independently continued their activities on nuclear knowledge management. The main achievement was the Corporate Knowledge Portal, which successfully had passed from pilot operation (end of 2014) to full-fledged launch (December 2017). The value of this resource is currently difficult to overestimate. In particular, the transfer of paper documentation to the digital space allowed to significantly optimizing certain work processes in the Company.
From the beginning and to the present, Yuliia Hasheva, Director of Department for Documentation Management and Standardization, Quality and Management Directorate, has been working on the support and improvement of the Corporate Knowledge Portal together with a team of specialists. She stresses: “Energoatom Corporate Knowledge Portal is a gateway to other resources. Currently, it is one of the most powerful tools of the Company for accessing a large array of information – regulatory, production, licensing related documentation, as well as external documents – for example, from the IAEA, WANO, as well as educational materials, courses, surveys, etc.”

Today, the portal is an indispensable tool for over 30,000 Energoatom employees, providing them with access to up-to-date information, the scope of which has already amounted to 300 GB. It is a convenient platform for corporate interaction, a platform for the activities of numerous working groups.
“The recognition of our knowledge management project as one of the most successful in the history of cooperation with the IAEA is not just a high result; it is a confirmation of Energoatom strategic vision for developing the intellectual potential of the industry. The Corporate Knowledge Portal created by us is a living ecosystem of professional competencies, which is developing daily and enriched by the experience of thousands of nuclear employees. We are forming a new culture of experience exchange, where each employee has access to the Company collective knowledge, accumulated over decades. This is our contribution to the future of the nuclear power industry in Ukraine and the foundation for further innovations,” Petro Kotin, Acting CEO of Energoatom, emphasized.
The project of Energoatom is available at the link “Improving Knowledge Management System”