Home Advertisement Attention! The acceptance of documents for participation in the selection for the position of Сorporate Secretary is extended until 20/03/2025.
12 March 2025

Attention! The acceptance of documents for participation in the selection for the position of Сorporate Secretary is extended until 20/03/2025.


On the selection of the Corporate Secretary of  the Joint Stock Company National Nuclear Energy Generating Company Energoatom on a competitive basis

The Supervisory Board of Joint Stock Company “National Nuclear Energy Generating Company ‘Energoatom” (“JSC NNEGC “Energoatom” or the “Company”) is announcing about holding a competition to fill the vacancy of a Corporate Secretary of JSC NNEGC “Energoatom”.


Requirements for applicants to be eligible for the position:

●  citizen of Ukraine, a foreigner or a stateless person with full civil capacity. A person who has citizenship and/or tax residence and/or place of permanent residence in a state that is carrying out/has carried out an armed aggression against Ukraine within the meaning of Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine "On Defence of Ukraine" may not be a corporate secretary;
● higher education not lower than the first level (bachelor's degree) in Law and/or Economics and/or Management and/or International Relations and/or Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market and/or Public Administration and/or International Law;
● special knowledge and skills in the field of corporate law and governance;
● at least three years  of experience in a business company in a position that involves supporting the activities of a business company or other business entity by specialties defined herein;
● Fluency in the national and English languages;
● Absence of:

  • outstanding or unexpunged conviction for criminal acquisitive offences, official misconducts and crimes in economic sphere;
  • the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities (a person is deemed not to be deprived of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities after the expiry of the period for which the said right was deprived);
  • conflict of interests within the meaning of the Law of Ukraine “On Joint Stock Companies” or there is a possibility to settle such a conflict of interests in the manner prescribed by Section V of the Law of Ukraine “On Corruption Prevention”.


The Corporate Secretary should have knowledge and competence to use:

  • Ukrainian legislation on corporate governance, OECD corporate governance principles, and internationally recognized best corporate governance practices;
  • approaches (best practices) of working with stakeholders of the joint stock company;
  • skills that allow him/her to keep the Supervisory Board of the Company properly informed of the GRC and ESG matters;
  • general management matters;
  • standards and regulations for disclosure of information on the joint stock company; rules for the use of restricted information;
  • state-of-the-art information technologies to prepare, convene and hold meetings of the Supervisory Board, the Supervisory Board’s committees in persons, by absentee voting (by poll), in other formats as provided by the applicable laws and internal documents of the Company; as well as to maintain recordkeeping, including the use of electronic document management technologies.


In order to check the above-mentioned information, an applicant for the post of a corporate secretary should submit the following documents:

  • а motivation letter justifying his/her interest in holding the said post and vision of his/her personal contribution to the company development;
  • a passport or an ID-card containing the contactless electronic carrier, and a certificate of registration of the place of residence;
  • a diploma of higher education in majors (as recommended): Law and/or Economics and/or Management and/or International Relations and/or Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market and/or Public Administration and/or International Law, and if available, copies of diplomas, certificates and other documents confirming his/her qualifications, knowledge and skills;
  • a document certifying his/her fluency in national language;
  • a work record book (if any) or data on his/her employment from the insured persons register of the State Registry of General Compulsory State Insurance;
  • a certificate, which confirms the assignment of the identification number or the registration number of the taxpayer’s account card as set out by the State Registry of Individual Taxpayers, or a copy of his/her passport bearing a mark confirming the right to make payments with using the series and number of the passport;
  • a military registration document (for persons liable for military service);
  • a certificate (extract) of no criminal record;
  • a certificate from the Unified State Register of Individuals who have committed corruption or corruption related offences;
  • a printed copy of the declaration of an applicant for the post of a Corporate Secretary, filed with the  Unified State Register of Declarations of Persons Authorized to Perform Functions of the State or Local Self-Government;
  • a certificate of no outstanding tax debts, payments and fees in arrears;
  • a certificate from the Unified Register of Debtors;

The following should be attached to the above-listed documents:

  • Curriculum Vitae;
  • an application for participation in selection for the post of a corporate secretary;
  • a confidentiality undertaking;
  • a written consent for personal data processing.


The list of main official duties of the Corporate Secretary of JSC NNEGC “Energoatom” is provided in the Law of Ukraine “On Joint Stock Companies” and the Charter of JSC NNEGC “Energoatom” approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine’s Resolution No. 1420, dated as of 29.12.2023, that are posted on the website of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the global information network Internet and available at https://zakon.rada.gov.ua


Terms of Employment: full-time working day.

Labor payment: annual salary of the Corporate Secretary of JSC NNEGC “Energoatom” amounts to UAH 1,740,000.

Documents for participation in the competition should be sent to the e-mail address: [email protected] (please specify in the subject: “Selection of a Corporate Secretary”).

An applicant, at his/her own discretion, may additionally send his/her documents by post to the following address: 

JSC NNEGC “Energoatom”, office # 205 
3, Nazarivska Street, Kyiv 01032.

For further information, please call on (044) 201-09-86


Deadline for submission of documents:  7 working days from the date of the announcement.