Home Advertisement Announcement of the start of public hearings of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report to complete the construction of the Tashlyk HPSP
07 March 2025

Announcement of the start of public hearings of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report to complete the construction of the Tashlyk HPSP


We hereby announce the start of public hearings of the environmental impact assessment report for the planned activity specified in paragraph 1 of this announcement, in order to identify, collect and take into account the comments and suggestions of the public on the planned activity.


1. Planned activity

The planned activity is to complete the construction of the Tashlyk HPSP as part of hydroelectric units 3-6 with Oleksandrivka reservoir level increase on the Southern Bug River from 16.0 m to 16.9 m. The completion of the Tashlyk HPSP is carried out in accordance with the project approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 21/11/2007 No. 1036-r “On approval of the project for the completion of the Tashlyk HPSP” and the order of the SE “NNEGC “Energoatom” dated 12/03/2019 No. 222 “On approval of the project “Completion of the Tashlyk HPSP. Commissioning of Hydroelectric Units 3-6” (Yuzhnoukrainsk, Mykolaiv region) (Adjustment)" (amended by order No. 929 dated 12/09/2019) based on approvals and a positive conclusion provided by SE “Ukrderzhbudekspertyza” dated 29/09/2017 No. 00-1188-17/PB (00-2099-16/PB).

The Tashlyk HPSP is an operating facility. The project is the completion of the construction of the Tashlyk HPSP, which has already been partially commissioned; and a large amount of work has been performed for the subsequent step-by-step commissioning of the following hydroelectric units (construction activities has almost been completed on the structures: the РPSP building for six hydroelectric units, the water intake, all the tunnel water pipelines, supply and discharge channels, etc.). The Tashlyk PSP is a reserve of electric power, a regulator of the Ukrainian power system, an additional power source. It plays a leading role in the hydropower complex, which should become a kind of water accumulator – water raised to the upper reservoir can be used at any time to produce peak energy and temporarily maintain the safe operational state of the Ukrainian power system.


2. Economic entity


Ukraine, 01032, Kyiv, 3 Nazarivska str.


3. Authorized body that ensures public hearings

Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine

35 Mytropolyta V. Lypkivskoho str., Kyiv, 03035 

[email protected]

(044) 206-31-40 (044) 206-31-50 

Department Deputy Director – Head of Environmental Impact Assessment Section of Ecological Assessment Department – Olena Anatoliivna Hrytsak.


4. Procedure for making a decision on the implementation of the planned activity and the body that will consider the results of the environmental impact assessment

Conclusion on the environmental impact assessment 

Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine 

Law of Ukraine “On Environmental Impact Assessment” dated 23/05/2017 No. 2059-VIII


5. Terms, duration and procedure for public hearings of the environmental impact assessment report, including information on the time and place of all planned public hearings

The duration of the public hearings is 25 working days from the date of official publication of this announcement (indicated in the title of the announcement) and providing the public with access to the environmental impact assessment report and other additional information specified by the business entity, which shall be transmitted for issuing an environmental impact assessment conclusion.

Throughout the entire period of public hearings, the public has the right to submit any comments or suggestions that, in its opinion, relate to the planned activity, without the need to substantiate them. Comments and proposals may be submitted in writing (including electronic filing) and orally during public hearings with entering the public hearings in the minutes. Proposals submitted after the established deadline shall not be considered.

During the period of martial law in Ukraine, public hearings shall be held via videoconference, as specified in the announcement of the start of public hearings of the environmental impact assessment report and in the public hearings report.


Time and place of public hearings

Date and time: 10/04/2025 10:00;


Meeting number: 2375 231 6221 Password: CyDV2J3P2Jy;


6. Authorized central body or authorized territorial body providing access to the environmental impact assessment report and other available information regarding the planned activity

Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine

35 Mytropolyta V.Lypkivskoho St. Kyiv, 03035

[email protected] (044) 206-31-40 (044) 206-31-50

Deputy Director of the Department - Head of the Environmental Impact Assessment Department of the Environmental Assessment Department - Hrytsak Olena Anatoliivna.


7. Authorized central body or authorized territorial body to which comments and suggestions are submitted, and deadlines for submitting comments and suggestions

Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine

35 Mytropolyta V. Lypkivskoho str., Kyiv, 03035

[email protected] 

(044) 206-31-40 (044) 206-31-50 

Department Deputy Director – Head of Environmental Impact Assessment Section of Ecological Assessment Department – Olena Anatoliivna Hrytsak.


Comments and suggestions are accepted throughout the entire period of public hearings specified in paragraph two of clause 5 of this announcement.


8. Available environmental information on the planned activity

The environmental impact assessment report of the planned activity on 611 sheets.


9. Place (places) of allocation of the environmental impact assessment report and other additional information (different from the premises specified in clause 6 of this announcement), as well as the time from which the public can familiarize themselves with those


Pivdennoukrainsk Municipal Council, 55000, Mykolaiv region, Pivdennoukrainsk, 48 Yevropeyska str.


{Appendix 3 with amendments made in accordance with the Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 824 dated 14/09/2020, No. 967 dated 08/09/2023}

The full document is available here.
The full report.