History of creation
Separate subdivision “Scientific and Technical Center” was established by order of NNEGC “Energoatom” dated 07/05/2003 No. 261 to form a comprehensive, effective system of scientific and technical support for nuclear energy, ensuring optimal use of the intellectual and technical potential of the Company and scientific and engineering organizations that provide services in the field of nuclear energy use and radiation safety.
Purpose and areas of activity
The purpose of the branch “SS “Scientific and Technical Center” is to provide the Company with the necessary scientific, technical and engineering support. At this stage, the main task is to provide and develop scientific, technical and engineering support in areas of activity related to the operation of reactor cores and fuel use, long-term operation of nuclear power units and the construction of new nuclear facilities.
Branch “SS “Scientific and Technical Center” provides scientific, technical and engineering support in the following areas:
• strategic research and development in the field of nuclear power development and nuclear fuel cycles;
• support for the operation of reactor cores and fuel use;
• handling of fresh and spent nuclear fuel;
• safety assessment of nuclear power units;
• radiation materials science;
• service life extension, long-term operation of nuclear power units;
• structural resistance analysis, seismic resistance assessment, management of aging, service life of structures, systems and elements of NPPs;
• introduction of new equipment and technologies;
• reliability analysis, diagnostics, optimization of equipment operational modes;
• improvement of water chemistry and water supply technologies;
• radioactive waste management, decommissioning;
• radiation protection, environmental protection activities;
• scientific and technical support for designs of new nuclear power units;
• implementation and development of the NPP configuration management system;
• implementation and ensuring the functioning of information systems for NPP engineering support, calculation and analytical tools for NPP safety justifications;
Main tasks
• scientific, technical and informational and analytical support for updating the Energy Strategy of Ukraine, strategic programs for the state development in the field of nuclear power industry;
• conducting research on forecasting the development of nuclear generation, analysis, justification and engineering support for the implementation of advanced nuclear fuel cycles;
• scientific and technical support for the selection and justification of new and promising reactor technologies;
• performing the functions of scientific support for the projects of new NPP power units, providing scientific guidance for the startup and commissioning to design capacity, tests to confirm the neutron and physical characteristics of the reactor core during physical and power startup;
• scientific and technical support for the implementation of projects for the introduction of new equipment and technologies in order to improve safety, reliability and efficiency of NPP operation;
• designing and justifying the safety of fuel loadings in the reactor core, systems/elements for handling fresh and spent nuclear fuel; performing neutron and physical calculations;
• scientific and technical and calculation and analytical support for the implementation and operation of in-core instrumentation system;
• scientific and technical support and development of safety justifications for the implementation of new and improved fuel assemblies;
• analysis and development of recommendations for increasing the reliability of fuel assembly operation;
• scientific and technical support for the implementation of new fuel cycles, core operating modes, measures to improve fuel utilization at the Company nuclear power units;
• development and maintenance of regulatory and production documentation on the list of neutron and physical calculations of core fuel loadings, emergency instructions for handling nuclear fuel;
• analysis of the activity of the primary coolant using calculation complexes, development and maintenance of regulatory and production documentation for monitoring the tightness of nuclear fuel cladding;
• organization of advanced training and certification of physicists-calculators of NPP SE branches in the use of neutron and physics software packages;
• justification of safe operation when extending the service life or introducing new absorber rods of the control bodies of the reactor control and protection systems, cassette screens;
• solving engineering problems and safety calculation justifications when improving or introducing new technologies for handling fresh and spent nuclear fuel;
• development and maintenance of standard programs for nuclear-hazardous works for carrying out transport and technological operations with nuclear fuel at NPPs and long-term storage systems for spent nuclear fuel;
• methodological support for the development and calculation and analytical justification of emergency documentation (accident management and emergency instructions, severe accident management instructions, instructions for managing extended design conditions using non-stationary equipment);
• development of methodology and guidelines for the implementation of operational probabilistic safety assessment (PSA), risk-informed approaches based on operational PSA; performance of probabilistic calculations, creation and maintenance of PSA databases;
• safety assessment, development of analytical materials and calculation justifications for decision-making on problematic issues of the industry level related to NPP safety;
• periodic reassessment of the power unit safety, performance of calculation and analytical justifications, a set of works on updating the Final Safety Assessment Report and development of the Report on Periodic Reassessment of the Safety of NPP Power Units;
• performance of works on modeling emergency and transient modes of reactor installations to improve operational procedures and justifications of NPP safety using calculation codes, training and analytical simulators of nuclear power units;
• development of guidelines and regulations, information and analytical support in the field of radioactive waste (RW) management, solving engineering problems related to RW management technologies;
• development of guidelines and regulations in the field of radiation safety and environmental protection activities;
• development of guidelines; informational and analytical and engineering support for preparations for nuclear facility decommissioning;
• scientific and technical support for activities on extending the service life of nuclear power units;
• development and maintenance of regulatory and production documents on the organization of activities, methodology for extending the service life and long-term operation, management of aging of equipment, pipelines and structures of nuclear power units;
• scientific and technical support in radiation materials science, determination of radiation load on reactor elements and degradation of mechanical properties of the reactor vessel (RV) metal, arrangement of testing programs for witness samples of the RV metal, assessment of brittle fracture resistance characteristics, development of justifications for the safe reactor vessel operation;
• assessment of the technical condition and calculation justification for the service life extension, implementation of aging management measures and long-term operation conditions in terms of calculation justifications for the equipment and pipelines of the reactor plant (RP), reassignment of the permissible number of load cycles of the RP equipment during the long-term operation of the power unit;
• assessment of the seismic resistance of structures and pipelines, qualification of equipment for seismic impact of systems important for safety, calculations of the values of seismic resistance reserves for civil constructions, buildings and structures, development of guidelines and regulations for the seismic resistance assessment of the NPP components;
• assessment of the technical condition and calculation justification for the extension of the service life of buildings and structures, development and maintenance of regulatory and methodological documentation on the strength and stability of NPP building structures;
• scientific and technical, engineering support for improving water chemistry and chemical technologies, development and maintenance of guidelines and regulations in the field of water chemistry and water treatment;
• monitoring of the technical condition and engineering support for the operation of steam generators (SG) and cooling systems, methodological support for SG chemical cleanup, development of measures to increase SG operation reliability, cooling system efficiency, and turbine condenser integrity;
• scientific, technical, and engineering support for improving the reliability, optimizing regimes, testing, diagnostics, assessing the technical condition, and extending the service life of the main electrical equipment (turbine generators, oil-filled transformers) of nuclear power units;
• development and maintenance of standard programs for inspecting the technical condition and extending the service life of thermomechanical, electrical equipment, and elements of NPP automated process control systems;
• scientific, technical, and engineering support for the operation of cable products and cable penetrations;
• development, justification, engineering support for the implementation of new methods, tools and systems for diagnosing NPP systems and elements, approaches to using its results;
• development of guidelines and regulations on cyber security of NPP information and control systems;
• development of guidelines and regulations for assessing operational reliability, performing calculations of operational reliability indicators for NPP equipment;
• engineering support for the implementation of measures to update automated process control systems, taking into account their integration into existing design solutions for NPP power units;
• implementation and maintenance of calculation codes for neutron and physical calculations, safety assessment, strength and seismic resistance calculations, maintaining a depository of calculation codes;
• analytical and methodological support for activities to improve the Company management system and increase the level of safety culture;
• development, implementation and maintenance of the operation of information systems and databases of NPP engineering support;
• development and maintenance of guidelines, methodological support for implementation activities, ensuring the functioning and development of the NPP configuration management system.
Contact information
Tel: +38(044) 206-97-75