JSC “Energoatom” ensures cooperation with whistleblowers in accordance with the requirements of anti-corruption legislation and the Company's Anti-Corruption Program.
The Company creates favorable conditions for whistleblowers and forms respect for whistleblowers as part of the Company's business culture, implements mechanisms to encourage whistleblowers, and forms a reporting culture among the Company's employees.
A whistleblower can be any natural person who, in the presence of conviction that the information is reliable, reported possible facts of corruption or corruption-related offenses, other violations of the Law of Ukraine “About Prevention of Corruption” in relation to an employee (employees) of the Company, if such information became known at the Company in connection with its labor, professional, economic, social and scientific activities, its service or training, or its participation in procedures prescribed by law, which are mandatory for starting such activity, service or training.
The notification should contain actual data confirming the possible commission of an offense against the corruption law and corruption-related offense, or other verifiable violations of the Law of Ukraine “About Prevention of Corruption”.
The whistleblower has the rights and guarantees of protection provided for by Articles 53-3 - 53-8 of the Law of Ukraine “About Prevention of Corruption” and the Company's Anti-Corruption Program, in particular:
— to receive confirmation of acceptance and registration of the message;
— for confidentiality;
— to report on possible facts of offenses against the corruption law and corruption-related offenses, other violations of the Law of Ukraine “About Prevention of Corruption” without specifying personal information (anonymously);
— to submit evidence to confirm the notification;
— for release from legal responsibility for the notification, distribution of the information specified in the notification, except for cases of intentionally false notification;
— for other rights and guarantees of protection of whistleblowers provided for by anti-corruption legislation.
The whistleblower may not be fired or forced to fire, subject to disciplinary action, subjected to other negative measures of influence or the threat of such measures of influence in connection with his/her reporting.
Whistleblowers are guaranteed confidentiality in the manner and under the conditions specified by the Law of Ukraine “About Prevention of Corruption”.