Enemy propaganda has launched a campaign to discredit Ukraine's state course on the development of nuclear power industry, in particular, the construction of new power units at the Khmelnytsky NPP.
As part of the campaign, through Telegram channels, pro-kremlin foreign media and some domestic media spread the following misinformation messages:
- “the nuclear field of Ukraine is experiencing a complete degradation of science and industry”;
- ”development of the Khmelnytsky NPP will inevitably cause a nuclear disaster, like Chernobyl accident”;
- “the russians designed and built nuclear power plants in Ukraine. Therefore, the use of American fuel on those plants can cause a nuclear disaster”;
- "construction at the Khmelnytskyi NPP will turn into the application of credit funds at the expense of endless concrete operations”.
By promoting these manipulations and misinformation, the enemy is trying to discredit the government's course on the construction of new nuclear power plants, the activities of the National Nuclear Power Generating Company “Energoatom”, and as a consecuence – to weaken our energy stability.
In such a way, the russian federation is committed to foment distrust in state bodies and demoralize Ukrainian society, not giving Ukraine any chance to achieve energy independence.
In fact, nuclear power generation is the last outpost of Ukraine's energy security, the only reliable source of basic generation for the population and industry, which is extremely necessary to develop. russia understands this well, and that is why it is so actively attacking nuclear power industry in the information space.