Energoatom unites many specialists whose work is not only about the operation of nuclear power plants. Thus, the structure of NNEGC includes the Ecology Department of the Directorate for Nuclear and Radiation Safety, which coordinates the Company's environmental activities.
Environmental specialists cooperate with ecological protection services and departments of nuclear power plants and Energoatom branches. Only in the area of non-radiation impact on the environment, 40 environmental professionals are involved, including specialists of environmental and chemical laboratories of nuclear power plants.
These laboratories carry out non-radiation environmental monitoring in the sanitary protection and radiation control areas, as well as determine the degree of impact of nuclear power plants on the environment. The monitoring is carried out by sampling cooling ponds, rivers, groundwater and wastewater, air, soil, and benthal deposits. Last year alone, over 7,500 samples were taken, and over 56,000 environmental indicators were determined.
In addition, the Environmental Department monitors compliance with environmental legislation under 174 regulatory acts. Every three years, the department updates the Environmental Program, which includes specific measures to reduce environmental impact, introduce environmentally friendly technologies, as well as perform and improve environmental monitoring.