In 2021, a strategic decision was made to build new NPP power units in Ukraine using AP1000 technology of the American company Westinghouse.
- on August 31, 2021, a Memorandum on the construction of 5 such power units was signed between Energoatom and Westinghouse in Washington;
- on June 2, 2022, the parties signed an agreement to increase their number from 5 to 9;
- 5 power units are planned to be built on operational NPP sites: power units 5 and 6 at the Khmelnytskyy NPP, and one power unit each at other NPPs;
- 4 power units can be built on new promising sites.The cost of building one power unit is from USD 5 bln to USD 6 bln.
The main source of financing for the construction of power units 5 and 6 at the Khmelnytskyy NPP is the funds of the US Exim Bank (US EXIM).
The multiplicative economic effect from the construction of one power unit will amount to USD 12 bln.
During its operation, the country's GDP will increase by USD 20 bln.
At the same time, about 8,000 jobs will be created only at the construction stage and about 50,000 more during power unit operation.
The construction of new NPP power units will ensure the country's energy independence, strengthen energy security and create opportunities to achieve global climate goals.