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The development of nuclear generation in Ukraine is in focus of the meeting with American colleagues

Within the framework of the 68th IAEA General Conference, Head of JSC “NNEGC “Energoatom” Petro Kotin discussed the global development of nuclear generation with representatives of leading American companies working in the nuclear industry.

During the meeting, Petro Kotin told representatives of the American nuclear industry about the operation of Ukrainian nuclear power generation in the conditions of constant shelling of energy infrastructure facilities by the russian federation. He emphasized that Energoatom managed to reject the use of russian technologies, in particular nuclear fuel, by replacing it with American fuel.

The company is strengthening cooperation with its Western partners even in the conditions of a full-scale invasion. NNEGC, together with American companies, is planning the implementation of a number of projects that will not only give a significant impetus to the reconstruction of Ukraine, but also significantly strengthen its energy security.

Representatives of American companies supported Ukraine’s desire to develop nuclear power generation, and told about their own vision for the development of nuclear industry in the United States of America.