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The occupiers blocked access permits for all ZNPP specialists who hadn't signed fake contracts with the russians

This was stated by the CEO of Energoatom Petro Kotin, while communicating with journalists. He noted that since the beginning of February 2024, the occupation administration of Zaporizhzhia NPP has denied access to the site for Ukrainian personnel. Until quite recently, another 360 nuclear workers who remained loyal to Ukraine had been working at the plant.

Besides, since the illegal seizure of the plant, almost 5,200 professionals have left the temporarily occupied Enerhodar to the territory controlled by Ukraine and the EU. The fate of 17 people is still unknown.

"The occupiers are replacing qualified Ukrainian personnel with people from towns near Enerhodar who aren’t aware of the operation of nuclear facilities. This, in turn, leads to faulty operations with the plant's equipment, resulting in its constant degradation," Petro Kotin said.

Those specialists who left for the government-controlled territory are now involved in the implementation of Energoatom's projects. For example, 333 employees are already performing restoration work at Khmelnytskyi NPP units, and their number will grow – by year-end, more than 1,500 ZNPP professionals will be working at KhNPP. With the support of the Swedish government, proper living conditions are already being created for them.