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ruscists plan to "evacuate" more than three thousand workers from ZNPP

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Information was obtained that the russian occupationists were preparing for the "evacuation" of about 3,100 people from the satellite town of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant.

First, it is about the removal of 2,700 plant workers who signed a contract with the fake JSC "Operating Organization of Zaporizhzhya NPP" or another rosatom enterprise, and their family members.

At the same time, we remind that the ZNPP workers were prohibited from leaving the town by the ruscists almost from the beginning of the occupation. Furthermore, according to the information of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, some families of the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power professionals have already been taken from Enerhodar to the Rostov region of the russian federation.

Thus, the russian occupationists prove their inability to ensure the operation of the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, as there is now a catastrophic lack of skilled personnel. Even those Ukrainian workers who, having signed shameful contracts, agreed to cooperate with the ruscists, are going to be "evacuated" in the near future. And this will exacerbate the already extremely urgent issue of having enough staff to ensure the safe operation of the NPP even in the current shutdown state.

At the same time, Energoatom, for its part, is taking all possible measures to form the necessary number of professionals capable of ensuring the safe operation of the plant in the first period after its de-occupation. Such a team will be formed on a rotating basis from ZNPP employees who are currently in the territory controlled by Ukraine, as well as specialists from other nuclear plants.

The fastest possible de-occupation of the Zaporizhzhya NPP, the expulsion of the ruscists from Enerhodar and the transfer of control over the power plant to its legitimate Ukrainian operator, Energoatom, is the only way to end the russian mess at the ZNPP and guarantee its future safety.

We are ready for this.