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IAEA experts do not have access to all ZNPP facilities

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Representatives of the permanent monitoring mission of the International Atomic Energy Agency at the temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhya NPP do not have the opportunity to check all systems and equipment important for the safety of the plant.

According to the Acting Chairman of State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine Oleh Korikov, between the IAEA's requests for access to certain systems and equipment and the actual inspection, a considerable amount of time passes. And the occupationists can use this time for certain manipulations in order to mislead the representatives of the Agency:

"As reported by the IAEA, military equipment and vehicles are placed in the turbine compartments of power units 1, 2, 4. However, the IAEA representatives cannot check what is inside these tented trucks: the russian occupiationists do not provide such an opportunity. Furthermore, the occupiationists limit access to equipment and systems important for security."

Korikov also added that the invaders obviously have something to hide, given the level of ZNPP militarization has increased significantly.