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Energoatom President met with the Head of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

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On August 16, 2023, President of SE NNEGC Energoatom Petro Kotin met with President and CEO of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) Rumina Velshi.

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During the meeting, the parties have discussed Ukrainian-Canadian cooperation in the field of nuclear energy and the situation at the temporarily seized Zaporizhzhia NPP. In particular, Mr. Kotin told Ms. Velshi that the main challenge for the Ukrainian nuclear power generation is the Russian occupation of Zaporizhzhya NPP.

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Petro Kotin also noted that one of the ten points of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's Peace Formula is radiation and nuclear safety.

According to this point, Ukrainian nuclear power plants and facilities must operate safely under the full sovereign control of Ukraine; Russian troops must withdraw from Zaporizhzhia NPP, its territory must be demilitarized; Russia must refrain from all forms of nuclear threats, undertake not to use nuclear weapons and not to jeopardize the safety of nuclear facilities.

"We hope that after the de-occupation of ZNPP, Ukrainian personnel will be able to resume the plant's operation. At the same time, we realize the efforts that will be required for this," he said.

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