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The president of Holtec expressed his solidarity with the Ukrainian people to the head of the board of Energoatom

On the second anniversary of russia's barbarous invasion of Ukraine, the President and Chief Executive Officer of Holtec, Kris Singh, expressed his unwavering solidarity with the Ukrainian people and the country’s leadership to acting CEO of the Energoatom, Petro Kotin.

«The valor displayed by the Ukrainian army despite lack of sufficient armaments to counter the ongoing all-out assault by the armed-to-teeth putin regime and the resolve of the Ukrainian people to resist the hated aggressor will live on in the history books as a glorious example   of a people unified in the defense of their sacred nationhood. We are confident that subjugating the Ukraine is and will remain beyond the reach of the megalomaniac in moscow. In fact, putin has achieved the perverse outcome of solidifying Ukraine's national identity just as his country slides ever deeper into vassalage to China and gradual disintegration of his multiethnic country held together by brutal suppression», the Kris Singh's letter to Petro Kotin says.

From now on, the national flag of Ukraine will fly on the territory of the technological complex of Holtec International, a partner of Energoatom, until the aggressor is repelled and the territorial integrity of Ukraine is restored.