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The story of Valerii Unhurian, operator of the refueling machine of the South Ukraine NPP Unit 3

At the end of last year, the operator of the refueling machine of the South Ukraine NPP Unit 3 Valerii Unhurianu was awarded the medal “For work and merit”.

To the question that became the basis for the state award from the President of Ukraine, our interlocutor answered briefly: “I was just doing and continue doing my job.”

This is how Valerii Unhurianu characterizes his professional activity, quite modestly.

For the first time, Valerii Serhiyovych saw the picturesque shores and rapids of the Southern Buh in the early 90s. And in 1991, he began his career as a nuclear employee at the South Ukraine NPP. The centralized repair workshop hired a fitter to repair the transport and technological equipment of Maintenance Department for the third power unit. It was the youngest unit of the SUNPP. It belongs to the third generation of NPP units, it was built according to the unified design of VVER-1000 NPP. Moreover, what is a “pilot project” is well known to the specialists of “Yuzhka” (that's what the plant was called until April 2022). However, we will speak about that later.

Let us return to our hero, who, after three years of conscientious work as a locksmith in the Centralized Repair Workshop, began to master the position of a refueling machine operator.

- Valerii, please tell us about your workplace and the functions of the refueling machine.

- In other words, a refueling machine for nuclear fuel is a device, or rather a robot, for manipulating fuel assemblies. The machine removes the used assemblies from the reactor and delivers them to the spent fuel pond. Instead, fresh fuel assemblies are loaded into the reactor. In addition, the refueling machine can move the fuel assemblies directly inside the reactor to ensure optimal distribution of the assemblies throughout the reactor.

The machine automates the refueling process in the reactor. In general, it can be said that the manipulator robot ensures reliable operation of the reactors. The speed and precision with which the machine performs refueling is the minimization of the impact on the environment.

- Who is responsible for the refueling schedules?

- The refueling schedule is made by Nuclear Safety Department. We have a quite close cooperation with the reactor operators, lead reactor operators and reactor shift supervisors. Many specialists have grown professionally before my eyes: from operators to plant shift supervisors. Thirty years is a long time. Yes, yes, thirty years have passed since I sat down at the control panel of this equipment. Of course, I have gained a lot of experience: looking at the coordinates, I can tell in which corner of the reactor the machine is located.

- Why didn't you continue studying, even though your colleagues were working next to you and studying at the same time?

- I would say this: I really like my job, and I wanted to master it from A to Z, so I stayed. Moreover, I have never regretted it.

- In September 2024, it will be the 35-years anniversary of the SUNPP Unit 3. In 2005, the first six fuel assemblies produced by Westinghouse were loaded into the reactor core of its reactor, and in 2018, the third unit became the first power unit in Ukraine, where the reactor core was completely formed using Westinghouse fuel assemblies.

- Yes, and I directly participated in the practical stage of the implementation of that project. I was involved in loading the first test batch of Westighouse fuel assemblies into the reactor core. That was very important, because the implementation of that project allowed the Ukrainian operator JSC NNEGC “Energoatom” to avoid dependence on the russian manufacturer. Moreover, our South Ukraine power unit became a pilot one in that historic event. Then I performed similar activities at the SUNPP Unit 2.

On September 19, 2022, the russian army launched a missile attack on the industrial zone of the South Ukraine NPP. Because of the crime, three high-voltage power lines were disconnected. That night, Valerii Ungurianu was on shift and, together with his colleagues, overcame the consequences of the blackout at the SUNPP. About a day later, the plant was in normal operation.

- Tell us about another important project that you were a part of in 2023.

- Indeed, those were quite responsible activities within the framework of the introduction of advanced technology for handling spent nuclear fuel using containers manufactured by Holtec. These containers are intended for sending spent heat-separating assemblies to the Centralized Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel.

- What was the significance of such work for Ukraine in the future?

- First of all, this is not only an increase in the level of technological safety, but also a significant contribution to the energy independence of our country. After all, costs for transportation, processing and storage of spent fuel on the territory of the russian federation are excluded. Therefore, I believe that our joint work has become a significant contribution to the development of the national energy sector.

- How is training for the position of operator of a refueling machine?

- It is worth to mention that there is a professional lyceum in Yuzhnoukrainsk where workers are trained for the SUNPP, but, unfortunately, the refueling machine operator is not in the list of specialties of the lyceum, so we teach on our own according to the “mentor-student” scheme.

As for operators, of course, we maintain and upgrade their qualifications annually. For training and practice, we use the “trainer” mode, for which our machines are programmed.

- Where do you get new personnel to operate personal computer?

- Some consider robot-manipulator operator to be an elite profession. However, I had a student who said in the early years that he would rather swing a sledgehammer than drive a personal computer (laughing).

But all jokes aside, the road to our specialization is open to everyone who is ready to learn. Usually, these are workers of Maintenance Department. In our work, as in general at Energoatom enterprises, such qualities as responsibility, attentiveness, persistence, awareness of the importance of safety culture are welcome.

- When does the moment come that you allow the trainee to work independently?

- I am trying to put him in charge of the control panel earlier, but I will sit next to him for a year or two until I am sure that the person is ready. After that, I make the final decision, and the worker goes through the procedure of obtaining a permit for independent work. Of course, I understand a young person when there is excitement, because our work, without exaggeration, is jewelry. However, experienced colleagues are always there: we give advice and provide support.

I want to say that I am very proud of my team. Three power units, three refueling machines, 14 highly qualified professionals. Everyone is in his place!

Therefore, Valerii Unhurianu is an honorary employee of the nuclear power industry, a laureate of the state award – the medal “For work and merit”, a man devoted to his work and the state, the father of three children, the eldest of whom is Shift Supervisor of the SUNPP Chemical Department. A little late, but we congratulate Valerii Serhiyovych with a high award. Our state and JSC NNEGC “Energoatom” highly appreciate the work of the highly qualified personnel of the NPP.

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