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Energoatom and Holtec International plan to build a manufacturing facility for spent nuclear fuel storage containers in Ukraine

President of SE "NNEGC "Energoatom" Petro Kotin and Vice President of the U.S. company Holtec International Riaz Awan discussed the plan of the relevant measures at a joint meeting, which took place at the site of the Centralized Spent Fuel Storage Facili

According to Petro Kotin, the completion of the CSFSF construction until the beginning of a full-fledged invasion of the russian federation and its operation during the war are of great importance for the Ukrainian nuclear industry.

"It is not just about the annual savings of around $200 million, which Energoatom would have to spend on paying for the transportation and storage of spent fuel in russia. It was one of the most important steps in achieving our energy independence as well as a complete rejection of russian nuclear fuel afterward," Energoatom President highlighted.

Currently, the CSFSF operates successfully and fulfills its function 100%. Meanwhile, the cost savings for the export and storage of spent fuel from domestic NPPs already this year fully covered the costs for the Storage Facility construction.

In turn, Holtec Vice President Riaz Awan thanked the Energoatom team for their powerful and efficient work in challenging wartime conditions:

"Our Company is satisfied with the implementation of the project and it is a great honor for us to cooperate with Ukraine and Energoatom. Even in conditions of armed aggression, we can say with confidence: the technology used in the Centralized Spent Fuel Storage Facility is reliable, safe and competitive."

The parties also discussed the transfer of technology to Ukraine and the production of spent nuclear fuel containers, currently manufactured in the United States, at the CSFSF site.

Petro Kotin reported that Minister of Energy of Ukraine Herman Halushchenko met with President and CEO of Holtec International Kris Singh to discuss these issues.

"With such professional partners as Holtec International, the revival of Ukrainian nuclear industry is not just our goal but a reality. We are grateful to our partners for their belief in the importance of nuclear energy for the sustainable future and success of Ukraine," Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko said.


Furthermore, the meeting participants got acquainted with the state of readiness of protective structures and the radiation protection system at the facility.