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CAMECO company handed over humanitarian aid to Ukrainian children

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The Canadian company Cameco Corporation, a long-term partner of SE "NNEGC "Energoatom", has handed over humanitarian aid to Ukrainian children. Energoatom will deliver 100 packages with backpacks, winter hats and gloves, learning games and sweets to child

In such a difficult time for everyone, support is crucial, especially for children.

Energoatom’s President Petro Kotin thanked CAMECO President and Chief Executive Officer Tim Gitzel and all his employees for their attention, care and assistance:

"You share a part of your good with children who are deprived of parental care. We received this heartwarming donation and will pass it on to the orphanage. Our partnership is expanding not only in the nuclear field but also in the social component – caring for the future generation."