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Energoatom is preparing to implement the project for the construction of the Chyhyryn NPP

The Energy Strategy of Ukraine until 2050 provides for an increase in the capacity of national nuclear generation. Therefore, the Energoatom team is actively working on searching new sites for construction. The most promising of them is the Chyhyryn site, near the town of Orbita in Cherkasy region. There are plans to build four new power units using AP1000 technology.

The first step in the implementation of this project has already been taken. Thereby, during the meeting of the extraordinary 51st session, the deputies of the Chyhyryn City Council made a decision regarding:

  • issue of permit for the development of a land management project regarding the allocation of land for permanent use by JSC “NNEGC “Energoatom”;
  • transfer of land plots with a total area of ​​38.1493 hectares to the permanent use of JSC “NNEGC “Energoatom”.

“Energoatom intends to revive Orbita, making it one of the most modern towns like Netishyn, Yuzhnoukrainsk or Varash. The successful implementation of mentioned plans is, of course, a significant investment in the post-war recovery and maintenance of the country’s energy security.

The introduction of innovative nuclear technologies will make Ukraine a leader in power industry with unique experience and its own process engineering solutions,” Head of Energoatom Petro Kotin emphasized.

We remind you that in order to strengthen the energy security of Ukraine, Energoatom is carrying out repair and restoration works at Units 3 and 4 of the Khmelnytskyi NPP, where the VVER-1000 reactors will be built. Moreover, a project on the construction of Units 5 6 using American technology was launched at the KhNPP.