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The completion of power 3 and 4 at the Khmelnytskyi NPP will add 2,200 MW of capacity to the energy system of Ukraine

That was announced by Petro Kotin, head of NNEGC “Energoatom”, during his conversation with journalists within the framework of his business trip to the Khmelnytsky NPP.

“Power units 3 and 4 are an improved technology, but it is based on the VVER-1000 technique. At the same time, Westinghouse will help us bring these power units to generation III+, which will add 2,200 MW to the energy system of Ukraine,” head of NNEGC said.

According to him, the energy system of Ukraine needs new capacities, in particular, considering the destruction of thermal generation: “Thanks to the fact that Energoatom specialists returned two units to the power grid, Ukrainians did not have power cutoff in their homes during the last several days. This is what two power units provide.”

As Petro Kotin mentioned, the construction of new power units is a guarantee that future generations of Ukrainians will not be left without electricity. After all, the nuclear fleet of Ukraine needs enhancement and updating.