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Anatolii Malyi, the ZNPP employee: “On the day of plant occupation, we realized that our war was there and at that very moment, therefore we might hold the safety of the whole Europe and the world in our hands.”

On March 4, Ukraine and the world marked with sadness the second anniversary of the occupation of the Zaporizhzhia NPP and at the same time two years of russian nuclear terrorism. During the mentioned period, humanity was on the verge of a nuclear catastrophe many times, and this risk is still quite significant.

Despite this, a part of the ZNPP employees remained in Energodar until the last meager opportunity and continued to protect not only their town, but also the largest nuclear power plant in Ukraine and the whole Europe.

Among them is our current Guardian of Light, Anatolii Malyi, with the codename “Atom”, who worked as a senior foreman of the safety pump maintenance sector until February 24, 2022. Moreover, the nuclear safety of the world was and of his subordinates, who ensured the reliability of the cooling system.

The resident of Energodar confesses that he did not believe until the last that the ruscists would dare to enter the ZNPP:

“I couldn't believe that, but I decided for myself that I would join the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and defend the town. Thus, as long as I could, I stayed at the checkpoint before the entrance to Energodar. I resisted to the last and tried with other residents to prevent the enemy from entering and occupying our prosperous town. However, the forces were unequal, and they did attack Energodar and brazenly stormed the plant.”

The ruscists arrived at the ZNPP as if they were at home, and immediately began to establish their own rules and regulations. Ukrainians did not want to work with the enemy, but they understood that, in spite of everything, they had to continue to remain loyal to their country and their vocation. It was not easy to work under the watchful eye of the armed ruscists, but the nuclear employees knew that they had to give people light and warmth and constantly stand guard over nuclear and radiation safety, bringing Victory closer.

“Then one of the managers of the plant told me that our war was there and at that very moment,” “Atom” recalls, “therefore we might hold the safety of the whole Europe and the world in our hands.” We went to work and performed our duties while we had the opportunity to work more or less quietly. One day I was leaving after my shift and the FSB took me in for questioning. Agents forced to switch to their side and conclude a contract with rosatom. Then they said directly: “either you are with us, or we will find levers of influence on you.” And at that moment I realized that my time had come."

After “communication” with the ruscists, Anatolii realized that he needed to leave the town and go to defend the country on another front. Thus, in August 2022, he and his family decided to go out of their native Energodar. The road to Zaporizhzhia took the Ukrainians a week. Roadblocks, interrogations, humiliation, abuse... and finally a free Ukrainian land, without Russian evil creatures. As soon as they were able to settle in a new place, the resident of Energodar immediately went to the military commissariat.

“I had no military experience, apart from army service,” the Guardian says, “but that did not stop me for a moment.” Therefore, in September 2022, I was already a soldier in a separate machine gun platoon of the 54th separate mechanized brigade named after Hetman Ivan Mazepa. However, unfortunately, I was seriously injured in October. After rehabilitation, I passed to the rear so as not to be a burden to my brothers-in-arms. Now in the rear, I continue performing tasks without which our Victory will not come. I am sure that there will be no front without the rear.”

Anatolii Malyi calls on Ukrainians to bring our Victory closer together. He says that not so much is needed for this; just everyone should do what he/she can in his/her place. Even if it is just support for defenders:

“We stay on the front lines thanks to the support to each other as well as the comprehensive support of our relatives and friends. Belief in our bright future and return to our native homes is very inspiring for great achievements. I would like to confess that the fierce hatred for those who betrayed Ukraine and passed to the side of the enemy is quite motivating. I have great hope that after the liberation of our town, they will not be in the Ukrainian, I emphasize – the Ukrainian town of Energodar. Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the nation! Death to enemies! To be continued…”

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