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Petro Kotin, President of Energoatom: «The signing of the agreement with the Westinghouse company on the purchase of equipment for the AP1000 power unit is a milestone event in the development of the nuclear industry in Ukraine»

In response to journalists' questions, Petro Kotin, President of SE «NNEGC «Energoatom», commented on the agreement concluded with the Westinghouse company.

First of all, the Head of the Company thanked the Westinghouse company for fruitful long-term cooperation with Energoatom, especially in the last three years, and support during the armed aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine. «We have signed an important contract for the supply of reactor island equipment for the Khmelnytska NPP power unit 5, which will be built using AP1000 technology,» he said.

«I consider this to be a milestone event in the development of the domestic nuclear industry. This will be the first-ever non-Soviet (by origin) power unit to be built by Energoatom in Ukraine. It will have a power over 1,100 MW/h with a safe and reliable Gen III+ nuclear reactor,» Petro Kotin stressed.

The signing of this agreement reached a crucial stage in the process, which was started back in 2021 during the visit of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy to the USA.

«I am grateful that we are supported by the Government and the Ministry of Energy in making those decisions that allowed Energoatom to conclude this agreement,» President of Energoatom said.

After signing joint memoranda with Westinghouse (in 2021 and 2022) on the construction of initially five, and later nine power units using AP1000 technology, the Energoatom team did not stop even for a moment. A large amount of pre-design and design work was carried out, a draft of a feasibility study was prepared, several fruitful negotiations were held with Westinghouse, and quite favorable conditions were obtained for the supply of equipment, which is already manufactured and ready for delivery.

«This will allow us to significantly speed up the construction of Khmelnytska NPP power unit 5. We will not have to wait at least 3 years (this is the term for the manufacture of such equipment to order), and stand in line with other Westinghouse customers,» informed Petro Kotin.

Once the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine passes the law on the construction of power units using AP1000 technology, Energoatom will start the corresponding construction works at the Khmelnytska NPP site.

During the construction of the new power unit 5 at the Khmelnytska NPP, up to 9,000 new jobs will be created. At the same time, the total construction cost will reach about $ 5 bln.